Visual art and feminism


Feminism is part of the issues of our society and has been for several hundred years. In this site, a vision of feminism in France and turned towards art is presented because images can be as well vectors of the ideas of this fight. It is not for nothing that we say that a picture is worth a thousand words.

A feminist art history

A story rich in values and artistic visuals, discover a feminist artist of the past.

Image du tweet de l'article Une histoire de l'art féministe


Feminist artistic expression today

The world is changing, so is art and the feminist struggle. How is feminism transmitted today?

Image du tweet de l'article L’expression artistique féministe d’aujourd’hui


Art and feminism closer to young people

The young generation is a hope for change. We have seen this with global warming. What about feminism?

Image du tweet de l'article L’art et le féminisme au plus proche des jeunes



Discover a situation of feminism in this video

Image du tweet de la vidéo


Feminist Gallery

Photo de Olympe de Gouges

Olympe De Gouges 1748 - 1793 Wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizens in 1791.

Photo de Simone de Beauvoir

Simone De Beauvoir 1908 - 1986 Wrote The Second Sex in 1949

Photo de Simone Veil

Simone Veil 1927 - 2017 Veil law for the authorization of abortion in 1975

Photo de Niki de Saint-Phalle

Niki de Saint Phalle 1930 - 2002 The making of the NANAS

Photo de Sophie Bramly

Sophie Bramly 1959 Part of the Feminist Collective and founder of the website

Photo de Pénélope Bagieu

Penelope Bagieu 1982 Wrote the tom 1 of the Culottées in 2016. In 2019 the complete book was published.